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Discover the history of La Budriola, a farm holiday house in the province of Bologna. The name, la Budriola, probably recalls the owners of large plots of land in the area, the Budrioli, native of Budrio and moved to Bologna as early as the Middle Ages. However, the name of the place may also refer to an older name, Budriolo, a diminutive of Budrio, which means moat, from Greek bòthros and later Latin butrium. The names Budrio and Budrie are indeed quite common in Emilia-Romagna, deriving either from Greek-Byzantine introduced in our regions with the creation of the Exarchate of Ravenna (late sixth century) or from Latin.
The building La Budriola dates back to the sixteenth century, but it was probably converted or restored in the eighteenth century, at least according to what we can deduce from its current masonry and the distribution of the rooms. There has been evidence of a manor house at the center of an estate in the same location as the present one since 1610: there is an appraisal with plan by land surveyor Vincenzo Sassi that depicts it, provided with dovecot tower, with a well in the backyard and a monumental door towards the access cattle track.
The building was then surrounded by a quadrangular moat and the place where it stood was called Venezzano. During the eighteenth century it became the property of the Rusconi Marquises, inhabitants of Bologna but native of Cento (FE), and then in the 60s it was taken over by the present owners.

The two coats of arms of the Budrioli family, one classified among the "Bologna citizen" families and one among the "Bologna villager" families .

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